viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

Prevention in the physical therapy

The prevention aims to prevent the emergence of risks to health of the individual, family and community. Involves acting in advance so that a problem does not appear or, if necessary, to lessen its effects.
In this regard, exist the medicine preventive. This consists of:
1.-Primary prevention: is the set of health activities performed by both the community and governments and the medical personnel before the appearance of a certain disease.
2.-Secondary prevention involves a screening program from a serious illness or early-stage.
3.-Tertiary prevention: the restoration of health once the disease has appeared. Applying a treatment to try to cure or mitigate a disease or a certain symptoms.
4.-Quaternary prevention: is the set of health activities that mitigate or avoid the consequences of unnecessary or excessive intervention of the health system

Now, what is the physical therapy I think its importance is set to the prevention of disease and education about good health. In education, that's when the physical therapist must act, especially when teaching children and that in this way would develop a culture of good health. One of the most important things to be taught to avoid is a sedentary lifestyle, because this leads to diseases that can be fatal.
Another way to have the physical therapists to prevent disease is through Ergonomics, a specialization that is responsible for adapting the Job to the needs and limitations of people.

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