jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

My Experience Learning English

The languages corresponding to a verbal or gestural communication of a human community itself. They allow us to express ourselves efficiently so as to form and establish personal relationships that are inherent in the conduct of a person.

English is a language originating in northwestern Europe, which belongs to the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages and was developed in England, released from its origin in the British Isles and many of its former overseas colonies. This is probably the third language in the world in number of speakers who are native speakers and the second most spoken if there are also those who have it as a second language.

If I remember several years ago, could say with certainty that my knowledge of English was limited because it did not interest me to learn and also because I was difficult, which could also be a consequence of the former.

Over time, the English began to make sense in my mind and I think I owe it mainly to two things: music and reading. First, because since my teens I hear English bands that somehow their songs have made me learn in a dynamic and second, because the extreme fanaticism of some things I did read information in language that was.

In this way, now I find it easy to read texts in English which is actually quite useful as the University there are several subjects, which provides texts in English. I can also understand them better and in many songs previously only heard whisper nonsense.

Also I think it was a great help in this subject that we did write a blog, because then I would put into practice all the skills and knowledge I have acquired in the language. Although I still feel that I have many weaknesses, particularly in what is "listening" and oral talks.

I believe that life is very important to learn other languages, because that way we open a door (and many windows I have to say hahaha) to new opportunities, experiences and adventures (you never know).

I must say that my interest has grown to learn languages (I'm learning Japanese) so I'd love to learn French if possible.
On the other hand I feel that the country still needs to be done on this issue in education, because if properly taught English to children from small, they may have many more opportunities and paths to choose in your life.

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

Christopher Nolan

Hello, today I talk about one of my favorite film directors: Christopher Nolan. He is a British-American film director, writer and producer. He’s best known for writing and directing such critically acclaimed films as Memento, the remake Insomnia, the film adaption The Prestige, Inception, and rebooting the Batman film franchise.

In my opinion Christopher Nolan is one of the best directors of recent years because it is able to mix his originality and the film called "blockbuster"to form a quality product. Among his films are my favorite Inception and the Batman franchise, because the first mixture a world so exciting and interesting as are the dreams with intrigue and action and was able to do with the second, something that many directors never able to achieve and only ridiculed the character and history. The Batman that Nolan us is so dark and intriguing that neither is compared with that presented Joel Schumacher, a totally ridiculous and insipid.

I also like that Christopher Nolan working with actors such as Michael Cane, Christian Bale, Leonardo Dicaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (I love him) or the great Marion Cotillard. In this way makes movies with great quality and make us go immediately to the movies to contemplate.

I hope that in the years to come, he did not disappoint me and keep making movies as great as those already created.

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Stem cell clinical trial aims to combat nerve damage in human tissue

Hi! Today, i talk about of this article.

The idea is inject embryonic stem cell to a patient with a damaged spinal cord. The trial was accepted by the US Food and Drug Administration in January last year, and actually is being organized by the biotech company Geron in California.
The patient with damaged spinal cord was treated on Friday in Atlanta, in a centre of the company Geron. Doctors hope that stem cells injected directly into the spine will help repair the damage to person recovery some movement.
Fourteen days later, patient will be injected with living cell that are precoursors of a kind found in the nervous system.
There was test in animals that indicate that injections with stem cells improve their movement and they can walk after sustaining an injury.

Throughout the test, doctors monitor patients for see if you are recovering a sense or are able to move parts of the body affected by injury.
The doctors commented that when they began to research , many thought it would take several decades before this therapy would be approved for use in humans.
The trial had problems with religious groups because the cells are derived from spare embryos created at IVF clinics but doctors said that trial is safe and the investigation was acepted by all the organisms.

The director of the MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine at Edinburgh University, said that although this is very exciting news, it is important to note that the goal of testing is no harm to the patient instead of seeking profits, and after obtaining the results, the focus can shift to the development and evaluation of new treatment.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010


First, We must understand that the strees is a natural reaction of the body where it operates a series of defense mechanisms to cope with a threatening situation. This is necessary.
This defense mechanisms can conclude, by certain factors, causing serious health problems. When this natural response is given in excess is an overload of stress affects the body and causes the appearance of diseases and pathological abnormalities that prevent normal development and functioning of the human body.

The general symptoms of stress include:

1 .- Prevalence of sympathetic nervous system. It produces such peripheral vasoconstriction, tachycardia, etc.
2 .- release of adrenaline and noradrenaline, cortisol and enkephalin.
3.-Increase in blood glucose, clotting factors, free amino acids and immune factors.
This occurs in order to increase chances of survival in a near-term threat.

A constant stress can cause problems to the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and the immune system.

How to deal stress:

One way to combat stress is through breathing exercises so that we can voluntarily control breathing, and treating it as calming a stressful situation.

On the other hand it is also important to organize the activities we perform, so we do not have extra concerns. If you have problems is important to talk to someone you trust to not carry them alone. It is also essential to perform regular exercise to improve basic physical condition and also release tension.

From a psychological point of view arises mainly in the control of emotional distress, as well as harnessing the resources of our body. Besides all the above named, electrical stimulation, acupuncture or audio analgesia are alternative techniques for dealing stress and its consequences.

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010


There has always been a discussion around the levonorgestrel, that whether or not abortion. Therefore to take or not a position on the issue is necessary to know.

Levonorgestrel (or I-norgestrel or D-norgestrel) was rated as a anticontraceptive or contraceptive emergency (also known as " Day-after pill "or "morning-after pill ") available for prevent pregnancy during the first days (no more than 72 hours) after having unprotected sex.

It has been suggested that hormones used this, changes occur at three levels: inhibiting or disrupting ovulation, interfering with fertilization or transport of the embryo to the uterus, or inhibiting implantation in the endometrium.

The abortion is defined as the interruption of a pregnancy, whether spontaneous or induced. For some, the use of Levonorgestrel, is abortive as it interrupts a possible life, whether at the stage that is (in intercourse, ovulation, implantation, etc). For others it is simply a method to avoid unwanted pregnancies that borders on the limits of their morality. This will always depend on to be considered as life or that if it's okay or not to interrupt.

In my opinion, Levonorgestrel is not an abortive method, because for me to stop fertilization or implantation is not synonymous to terminate a life, so it should give people free choice to choose within the options that suits you most according to their beliefs and moral.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

The soundtrack of my life

Since my childhood I have been surrounded by music. My mom since she was young she sang and played guitar, so many of my childhood memories have melodies and songs in the background. If I have to name some of the authors of these songs, would Violeta Parra and Eduardo Gatti, among others. As I was growing up, tried to define the type of music I liked, and as in the 90's Pop was so popular , I could not resist listening to Backstreets Boys, Britney Spears, Nsync and others. As a teenager I found what I really identified, which was more focused on a non-plastic Pop, rock, folk or indie bands also. Moreover, as I like Japanese animation also met many groups, so that the J-pop and J-rock also part of my music collection.

Coldplay is one of my favorite bands since they have been present at many key moments in my life, reflecting the time he was living or the other, showing that I am not so alone.I also like bands like Amaral, Athlete, Snow Patrol, ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION, The Killers, Muse or singers like KT Tunstall, Fiona Apple, YUI, Regina Spektor and Jorge Drexler. The last two will give concerts in Santiago soon to which attend.I think one of the most important reasons why I'm always listening to music is that for me, this is a way to heal a lot of pain or joy to have in life, when it can be in tune with our soul.

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Wuthering Heights

These days, I'm reading Madame Bovary but I have not finished yet, I prefer to talk about Wuthering Heights, a book that I was read in the last summer. This is the only novel by Emily Brontë and was first published in 1847 by a male pseudonym to avoid the prejudices about women writers.

As I like love stories, a friend who lent me Pride and Prejudice told me I should read Wuthering Heights, but unlike the first, this is a book with a very stormy love story where the author expresses a great rawness and realism in every passage in the book that really make you feel like the character.
The story deals mainly with his friend Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, and a love that could never be fully expressed due to social differences, which really was not much problem, but mainly in my view to the fickle and conceited character of Catherine, which catapulted a number of negative situations to their relationship that could easily have not happened. On the other hand, Heathcliff with a proud nature and somewhat resentful, decided to act impulse and spiteful, altering not only the direction of his life if not also of the rest.
In my opinion, this is a great book that deserves to be read not only by those who like love stories, if not that everyone who is attracted to human nature, its character and problems that sometimes leads.

I hope you liked this post about this great book and read it! really won't be disappointed :)

viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

This is the end.... or not?

Oh my god. Today is the last post of the semester ... but thinking it is not so tragic.
I must admit that at first, to make this blog does not interest me much. This was because I don't master English very well and I don't have a large vocabulary, so it was a great challenge and sometimes felt that I couldn't make it. But in the end everything went better than expected as I finish each of my post though some with more difficulty than others.
On the other hand I feel that I could increase my vocabulary and improve my writing and syntax when writing each post. Also I could see this progress reflected in other fields of classes, as well as in the test and dissertations. Something very interesting and rewarding that ocurred through the blog was to exchange knowledge and opinions. With each post, I could see more of the thoughts, ideas and preferences of my classmates.

I think it was very important and necessary daring to do things in the blog and in class. Because although I made mistakes, I learned from them and I will not to repeat them. But, if it happens again, I know what to do with them.

Finally, having worked on this blog, made me take a big step in terms of my career, because I may use this language without any difficulty when I need it.

See the other semester!

lunes, 28 de junio de 2010

My future

For me, it is very difficult to think that I will do in 7 years when a few years ago didn't know what career to choose... so I have several options:

  • I would like to specialize in any area of physical therapy, such as because I find it very dynamic, useful and effective in combating serious respiratory illness often become fatal in children. On the other hand I am also interested in the area of rehabilitation and this is essential when treating patients in critical condition and who need to recover motor function. Whatever my choice with respect to a specialization, I would like to work with multidisciplinary teams for best results in rehabilitation in Public Health Center
  • Another option that is also of interest to me is to continue studying or doing postgraduate in anthropology and archeology, as the study of man in his integrity and evolution is a subject that has interested me since child. I would like, whatever my decision, have a salary that allows me to maintain a lifestyle suited to my demands, and in terms of hours I would like to work the necessary even if it means much effort.

Also, I would like to continue my studies (present or to come), if possible, outside the country because this way I can get different knowledge and insights regarding discipline and other cultures.

Finally, when deciding that I do, it will be with greater confidence and conviction in order to practice my profession in the best possible way to help people as I can, what has always been the reason of my decision.

viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

Prevention in the physical therapy

The prevention aims to prevent the emergence of risks to health of the individual, family and community. Involves acting in advance so that a problem does not appear or, if necessary, to lessen its effects.
In this regard, exist the medicine preventive. This consists of:
1.-Primary prevention: is the set of health activities performed by both the community and governments and the medical personnel before the appearance of a certain disease.
2.-Secondary prevention involves a screening program from a serious illness or early-stage.
3.-Tertiary prevention: the restoration of health once the disease has appeared. Applying a treatment to try to cure or mitigate a disease or a certain symptoms.
4.-Quaternary prevention: is the set of health activities that mitigate or avoid the consequences of unnecessary or excessive intervention of the health system

Now, what is the physical therapy I think its importance is set to the prevention of disease and education about good health. In education, that's when the physical therapist must act, especially when teaching children and that in this way would develop a culture of good health. One of the most important things to be taught to avoid is a sedentary lifestyle, because this leads to diseases that can be fatal.
Another way to have the physical therapists to prevent disease is through Ergonomics, a specialization that is responsible for adapting the Job to the needs and limitations of people.

viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

♀ & ♂

When we think in many decades past, we realize that the role of women was very limited. First it was very strange to study and not think about work. Her work revolved around domestic work and childcare. Also freedom of thought and action was very limited. On the other hand, men had more freedom to think and do what they want. They could work, study, and nobody said anything. The man was in charge of supporting the family.
If you ask me about family relationships and romantic relationships of those times, in my opinion, many of them were keeping only by tradition or appearance... Although there are exceptions.
But these days, the role of women and men has changed considerably for the better. The woman study, works and has an important role in society, man will increasingly involved in childcare and household tasks are shared between them. Although about this, there is still much to advance.
With that, I believe that relations between women and men have been improving since they are in an environment of respect and equality.
When I think about the contribution of each in physical therapy, I don't see big differences but can say that the inherent characteristics of both sexes are reflected in the work of each

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

Food ♥

The food is one of the things I love most in the world. I prefer mainly fruits, vegetables, and general things "healthy" althoughon sometimes I eat junk food. For me this is very addictive so I try to eat a few times to avoid problems with my weight.
Now, if we talk about favorites food dishes,I think that any of those that are prepared by my mom. For example: Spaghetti. Until now, I don't know food that I don't like.
Really, I have not the faintest idea where you can go to eat in Santiago outside the common fast food's places...I know, I'm a bit ignorant.
I feel guilty when I eat too much or when I eat cookies, candy, chocolate or junk food when they really should not do.
As a student I think it is necessary and essential eating a balanced diet (fruits, vegetables, meat, cereals, etc.) and in appropriate portions, order to have an adequate nutritional intake based on proteins, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates to enable a proper functioning of the body.
In my opinion, the junk food is and will be the main enemy of good health.
My perfect diet would consist mostly of vegetables, fruits, grains and some meat.

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Physical therapy

Physical therapy is a health career in charge of helping patients who have suffered accidents, injuries or immobility in the body, restoring or improving the psychomotor ability of the individual or even of preventing possible permanent disability. This has different areas such as respiratory therapy, Neurotherapy, trauma and among other.
Since I was 15 I wanted to study a health career, but only two years ago I decided to study Physical Therapy owing to the fact that I didn't know. I did it mainly because when I report on this, note that is built around rehabilitation, an action that has interested me since teenager.
Still I don't know what area to choose physical therapy even though I'm interested in several (such as respiratory or neurology) but whatever my choice, I have the highest expectations about it, because when i decided to study this career, I did with the conviction of doing the best at my job to help my patients.

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

Physical therapy's web

Today, I would write about Physical Therapy's web. I found an web very interesant and important, this is http://www.Apta.org (APTA is a American Physical Therapy Association). At first it seems a complicated site, but when you understand how to use it, you can find important things like the history of the APTA. Also its goals, Policies and Bylaws, Sentence and Statement vision.
Apta.org, also includes, sections about practise of physical therapy. There, can find Clinical Practice Resources, Ethics and Legal Resources and Professional Development among other things, which would be very important for those students who are graduating.
On the other hand, if needed can find a physical therapist who is right for you in the national database of physical therapist members of the American Physical Therapy Association.
If you become a member of the website, you can receive various publications, articles or papers in your e-mail that can be used to get information of progress in Physical Therapy.
In my opinion, this is a great web of Physical Therapy, because it provides detailed and important information that can be useful for professionals, students or ordinary people.

viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

I love...

  • Draw. I love draw. I draw since I was 12 years when i saw anime. For me is a way to relax and express what i think and feel. When I do, I like doing drawings of people, objects or abstract things. I believe that in an art like this, people have to work patiently and perseverance.
  • Play to guitar. I love music therefore I decided to play the guitar (I try... hahaha). It's so funny although sometimes frustrating when the chords don't sound right.. but I keep trying because I'm seeing positive results of my efforts. Must be very patient in this if you don't have the "skills"
  • Read. Also, I love read book, short histories, magazines or anything interesting. This as I have been developing recently when I found it fun and exciting to read. I concentrate and Abstract both reading I start to really worry about what happens there as if it were true. Now I'm reading Madame Bobary
  • Finally, I like singing, well, in general i love the music. This is a hobby that I got from my mother - she sings great- so I started to attend the school choir at 14. Now, I participate in the university choir and it's great because when I sing I feel that music can heal any pain I may have.

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

February 27th 2010

This night, I was playing on the notebook when i decided to go to sleep. When I stood up I felt slight movement but i didn't fright me but when I felt that went up the intensity of the tremor i decided to go see my little sister and I reacted with quickly to get her out of bed and put us in a safe place. Soon, my mom came and stayed with us.
When all ended, we decided to call my dad but the phones were jammed but recently I communicate with him at about 7 am and he was more scared than us. I can say that this has been one of the most unpleasant experiences I've had in my short life. After what happened, As a family we rethink what is really important in life.
With my sister went to donate money in the campaign that took place at the national level and also went to cooperate in the church of the commune.

viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

My first post. LOL

Hello, my name is María Francisca , i'm 20 years and i live Santiago. I study Physical Therapy at Universidad de Chile.
I'm a girl that loves clouds, music and sleep but also read, watch movies, draw and sing. I have friends in different places because i lived in another places before i coming here.

Well, today in my english's class i had to create a blog. I hope that this can improve my english, increase my vocabulary and share information with other blogger in different parts of the world.

Bye, the time is over xD